QUINTA Consulting supports clients from various industries on their path to professional price management. Together, we optimize prices for products and services in the following consulting fields:
- Pricing strategies and models
- Price setting and execution
- Price controlling and reporting
- Price communication
QUINTA Consulting focuses especially on the following consulting areas:
- Yield management and revenue management
- Discount and condition systems
- International price harmonization
- Innovation and lifecycle pricing
- Commodity and specialties pricing
- Digital pricing, big data and predictive analytics
- Pricing processes and organizational optimization
- Price negotiation and argumentation
- Determination of willingness-to-pay and price elasticity (customer insight)
- Value-based price management (value-based pricing, personalized pricing)
- Behavioral pricing psychology (behavioral pricing)
Our projects often achieve revenue improvements of several percentage points within a short period of time – each year.
Contact us to learn more about our services.